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Fwd: Jewish Music Conference (FWD)

FYI, Chevra. Apologies for cross-postings.


>X-Sender: mfjpm (at) uxa(dot)ecn(dot)bgu(dot)edu
>Approved-By:  John Murphy <jmurphy (at) WIU(dot)EDU>
>Date:         Wed, 23 Jun 1999 10:41:06 -0500
>Reply-To: Society for Ethnomusicology Discussion List
>              <SEM-L (at) LISTSERV(dot)INDIANA(dot)EDU>
>Sender: Society for Ethnomusicology Discussion List
>              <SEM-L (at) LISTSERV(dot)INDIANA(dot)EDU>
>From: John Murphy <jmurphy (at) wiu(dot)edu>
>Subject:      Jewish Music Conference (FWD)
>forwarded from Angela Migliorini  <Migliorini (at) aol(dot)com>:
>Department of Music, SOAS and the Jewish Music Heritage Trust
>London International
>School of Oriental and African Studies
>University of London
>Sunday 25 - Thursday 29 June 2000
>Conference Director: Alexander Knapp
>Announcement and Call for Papers
>Keynote speakers:
>Professor Israel Adler, Chairman of the Academic Committee
>Jewish Music Research Centre, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
>Professor Alexander Ringer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>Jewish diasporas are normally seen as emanating outward from ancient and
>modern Israel.  But Jewish culture has taken root and developed within
>other environments from which new diasporas have spread elsewhere,
>including a return to Israel.
>Papers addressing issues of change, under the following broad categories,
>are invited for consideration:
>1.      Classical music traditions:  is there a definable Jewish identity?
>2.      Folk music and dance traditions:  the absorption of local influences
>        into Jewish music and the promotion of regional styles to a wider or
>        international audience.
>3.      Liturgical music traditions:  contacts with other religions; the
>        to which a separate Jewish identity has been maintained, and the
>        to which such contacts have led to musical inter-influence.
>4.      Issues of gender:  the place of men's and women's music in Jewish
>        roles and modes of expression.
>If you would like to present a 20-minute paper, please reply as soon as
>possible and send an abstract of 200 words to arrive no later than 30
>September 1999 (by email if possible). It is intended to publish a book of
>selected papers from the conference.
>Please send the form below to:
>Alexander Knapp, Joe Loss Lecturer in Jewish Music, Music Department,
>SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London
>WC1H 0XG, UK; email ak42 (at) soas(dot)ac(dot)uk; Tel: +44-171 691 3410; Fax 
>637 6182
>Organised by the Committee for the London Jewish Music Conference 2000
>I should like to attend the London International Jewish Music Conference
>2000, SOAS, 25-29 June 2000.
>[  ]  Please send me more information and a registration form.
>{  }  Please send further copies of this announcement to the persons listed
>      below
>[  ]  I can't come but should like to be kept informed.
>(Please use Block Capitals)
>I should like to present a paper: provisional title ....................
>[  ]  I shall send an abstract by 30 September 1999.
>Title and Surname ...............  Forenames ...........................
>Position ........................  Institution .........................
>Address  ...............................................................
>Tel .............................  Fax  ................................
>E-mail ..........................  Date ................................
>Office use:                        Speaker
>Date Received                      Session

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Cell:           781-622-0309
Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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