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Re: Classical Recordings: Jewish?


Some of these compositions have "thematically Jewish musical content".
Others may have programmatic references to Hebrew Scriptures (even
without identifying the reference in the title).  Others may have no
Jewish significance at all (other than, perhaps, a composer who is
Jewish and has written other works with a Jewish theme, such as
Cotel).  The Gluck work caught my eye only because I know that he has
written Jewish music, not because of its title.

I'm sure that you have found many instrumental works that have no
mention of their Jewish inspiration in their title, yet have Jewish
musical (e.g., Ben-Haim) or even textual (e.g., Schoenberg) themes.
That is why I wrote e.g.=exempli gratia/for example, "reference to
Hebrew Scriptures", rather than i.e.=id est/that is.  Recordings
interest me as having Jewish significance for many reasons, such as,
Jewish text actually sung or spoken, or the use of Jewish musical
themes (e.g., trope or nusach), but also if an event or text of Jewish
siginificance was a conscious inspiration for the piece (e.g., the
Shoah or Noah and the Flood).

The pieces I listed were just works that made me wonder by their
composer and/or title, "Do they have any Jewish significance?" when I
saw them mentioned (e.g., on lists of new recordings).  I've done some
research on them without being able to answer the question.  Sometimes
even record reviews in the American Record Guide or Fanfare are of no
help.  That's why I've asked the list for help.

Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Cohen <rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Classical Recordings: Jewish?

>Bob, I'm puzzled.  Some of these titles--certainly the Gluck,
>like purely instrumental works.  In what way could they have
>Jewish content ito (=in terms of) Scriptural references and the like?
>as opposed to thematically Jewish musical content?
>>From: "robert wiener" <wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com>
>>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>>Subject: Classical Recordings: Jewish?
>>Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:07:30 -0400
>>Can anyone help me determine if these recently recorded classical
>>works have Jewish content (e.g., reference to Hebrew Scriptures)?
>>I suspect that at least some of them do because of the composer,
>>title, or both.
>>Adler, Samuel: Choose Life
>>Chesky: Psalms for Strings (3)
>>Cotel, Morris Moshe Cotel: 5 Quatrains for Soprano and Ensemble
>>Ellison, Michael P. Before All Beginning
>>Glick, Srul Irving: Serenade and Dance For Solo Violin
>>Lamb, Marvin: J.B.II
>>MacMillan, James: Adam?s Rib
>>Ran, Shulamit: Inscriptions
>>Toovey: Adam
>>Vainberg, Moshe: Sonatas for Solo Cello (1-4)?
>>Weinzweig: Dance of Masada
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