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Musical Update of all sorts

David Chevan's Spring Music Update
There's a lot going on so read through!!

I've got good news. Yes, just because school is out doesn't mean that the
orchestra will stop playing. The Southern Connecticut State University
Creative Music Orchestra will hold rehearsals and give at least one or two
of its (I'm proud to say) notorious concerts.  Rehearsals will begin on May
24 and run about every other Monday evening in Room 158 of Earl Hall from
7:30 - about 10 p.m.  As always there is no audition, anyone in the
community (but especially SCSU or prospective SCSU students) is welcome to
join the Orchestra.  We are currently short on low brass and strings, but we
can always use another of any instrument.  If you're interested please give
me a call at my office at SCSU, the number is (203) 392-6630 and the voice
mail is always on.
Spring orchestra rehearsal schedule: May 24, June 7, 14, 28 with a concert
TBA on July 5 and at least one other.

I'm on the web!
BASSOLOGY and my many other projects now have a web site on the internet
located at  All of my CDs are now
available at internet two locations: and

On Monday June 21, at 8:00 p.m., I will appear at the Buttonwood Tree on
Main St. in Middletown, Connecticut with soprano saxophonist Richard McGhee
and his group Trytone.  Rich is an extraordinary player with some terrific
ideas and a great sound.  The phone number at the Buttonwood Tree is (860)
BASSOLOGY has two performances in New Haven in June.  First, we'' be playing
an ALL AGES show at the Tune Inn on Friday, June 4.  Opening for us will be
6 Under Par, a terrific ska band.  The Tune Inn is located at in New Haven
the phone number is (203) 497-9831.
We'll also be playing on Sunday June 27 as part the International Festival
of Arts and Ideas.  The time hasn't been scheduled yet, but I do know that
it will be during the afternoon.

BASSOLOGY will also be appearing at the Captain's Galley in Orange on
Friday, June 11 at 9:00 p.m. The Captain's Galley is located at 200 Boston
Post Road in Orange and the phone number for reservations is (203) 799-1003.

North to Northampton
BASSOLOGY will be traveling to Northampton several times this summer.  We'll
be playing at the city's premier jazz spot, the Fire and Water Cafe on
Sunday, June 13 and on Monday July 5.  The Fire and Water Cafe is located at
5 Old South Street in downtown Northampton. The phone # at F&W is (413)
586-8336. We've also been contacted to perform during the Taste of
Northampton festival in mid-August, more news to follow on that.

The trio version of  BASSOLOGY is back in Avon. We've just gotten the word
that we'll be back on most Saturday evenings in Avon beginning right away in
the tavern at the Avon Old Farms Inn. The trio features Chris Casey on piano
and Ron Braggs on drums and singing.  We'll be playing from 6:30 to 10;30
p.m. and reservations are recommended.  We have a lot of fun at this gig,
and its given Ron an opportunity to really open up with the vocal numbers.
The Inn is located at the corner of Routes 10 and 44 in Avon and the phone
number is (860) 677-2818.
In fact, the trio has just finished recording a new CD that features Ron
Braggs singing on almost all of the tracks.  For our first effort in this
direction Ron sings a set of classic jazz standards that we feature at the
Avon Old Farms Inn, including: Fly Me to the Moon, The Shadow of your Smile,
Autumn Leaves, and Teach Me Tonight. There's also a few tracks with Will
Bartlett sitting in on reeds.  We're in the process of mixing it and hope to
have it out before the end of the summer.  I'll be sending out an
announcement about a release party when its done.

Finally, the biggest and most timely piece of news:
I have helped put together an exciting festival of Jewish music for Memorial
Day Weekend at Congregation Mishkan Israel in Northampton.  Here's the
schedule of events for the Festival of Nigunim.
Friday, May 28 8:00 p.m. Isidor Offenbach Memorial Music Service featuring
Lorin Sklambergand Frank London of the Klezmatics singing, teaching and
leading the congregation in Hasidic Shabbat songs

Saturday, May 29 3 FREE Workshops
        2-3:15 p.m. Session A Lorin Sklamberg will lead a nigunim-singing class
open to all voices, with an emphasis on group singing
        2-3:15 p.m. Session B Frank London, Uri Caine, and David Chevan will 
lead a
class for musicians where nigunim and other traditional Jewish melodies will
be learned as a basis for improvisation,  arranging, and ensemble performance
        3:30-4:45 p.m. Session C a lecture/demonstration on the history of 
and other Ashkenazic Jewish musical traditions, from their European roots
through their contemporary renaissance
***Seating is limited; for reservations call Erica at (203) 287-3877

Saturday, May 29, 8:00 p.m.  A Concert of Nigunim
        Lorin Sklamberg and Frank London with Uri Caine in a concert of Nigunim 
other music from the Ashkenazic  musical tradition
        Opening will be Warren Byrd and David Chevan who will perform
interpretations of Jewish and African-American sacred music

***Tickets are available at the door.  Admission is $7.00 for adults and
$3.00 for seniors and children 12 and under.  For reservations and further
information please call Erica at (203) 288- 3877.

Congregation Mishkan Israel, 785 Ridge Road, Hamden, Connecticut for
directions, information and reservations for any of these events please call
(203) 288-3877

Well, as you can see quite a lot is coming up.  I hope to see you at some or
all of these events.

But wait . . . a late addition to the BASSOLOGY schedule: 
BASSOLOGY has just been invited to perform at Connecticut's premier jazz
club and restaurant, MAIN AND HOPEWELL, on Friday, June 25.  MAIN AND
HOPEWELL is located at 2 Hopewell Road (at the intersection of Main Street)
in South Glastonbury.  The phone number at the restaurant is (860) 633-8698
and reservations are highly recommended.  We hope tp have demo copies of our
NEW CD available for this performance making it a pre-CD release event.

As always . . .

Bassically yours,

David Chevan
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* * *
David Chevan
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06517
(203) 392-6630

email: chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu or chevan (at) csu(dot)cted(dot)net
or check out my website by clicking here

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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