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Re: Project on Yizkor book

In a message dated 5/24/99 9:49:09 AM, physchem (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

<< The information I found there is that the
basic copyright for work authored after 1975 extends for 70 years from the
death of the author, or of the last to die of multiple authors.  >>

We supply a lot of music for the film industry. Last week one of our regular 
clients was looking for info on "Ein Keloheinu" which he is placing in a new 
film. I asked him about the copyright extentions and he told me that a lot of 
publishers, as the expiration of copyrights near, out of nowhere, will find 
an "uncredited living co-writer" on a song that is about to expire. This is 
done when the credited writer(s) have died. Naturally, since the "new found 
co-writer" is still alive, it extends the copyright. This is done with the 
permission of the original composer's estate, since otherwise, they would no 
longer collect royalties.

Hatikavh Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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