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Pe'amim 77, Autumn 1998


This issue of a periodical from the Ben -Zvi Institute is dedicated to
Prof. Amnon Shiloah. Articles include: Music of the Ladino Folksong, E.
Seroussi; Biblical Cantillation in the Istanbul Tradition, Nurit Ben-Zvi;
The Yemenite Version of Torah Reading, Mira Spiegel; Duration in the
Responsive Singing of Karaite Jews, Jehoash Hirshberg and Roni Granot;
Melisma, A Music parameter..., Dalia Cohen and Ruth Katz; Liturgical
Categories and Oriental Traditions, Frank Alvarez Pereyre.  There is an
accompanying CD.

Sadly for this reader, the entire journal is in Hebrew. I would be more
than happy to loan it out to someone that would be agreeable to posting
summaries of the articles for the list. 



Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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