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Internet broadcast tonight 9-10pm

Tonight at 9pm (U.S. Eastern time) will be the penultimate (second-to-last)
broadcast of the spring season of "The Klezmer Hour," coming to you from
Williams College radio station WCFM in Williamstown, Mass., broadcast
throughout the globe across fiber-optic cable and telephone wires directly
to those who point their mosaic-style World Wide Web browsers at

The show, hosted by Seth Rogovoy, surveys a wide range of old and new
klezmer and klezmer-related genres (sometimes just distant cousins). Last
week we listened closely to sounds coming out of Eastern Europe today
(Aufwind, Di Naye Kapelye, Kroke, etc.). Tonight? Who knows. maybe some
unusually jazzy klezmer novelties from mid-20th century?

Also, each show includes the Klezmer calendar, informing listeners
throughout the world where they can go to hear klezmer music performed live
in a theater near them.

Last minute playlist requests or additions the calendar will attempt to be
honored until 5pm today.

Next week will be the final broadcast of the spring season. After a few
weeks of downtime, "The Klezmer Hour" will resume, hopefully on the same day
and hour, for the summer season.

Stay tuned for more details.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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