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Combining Jazz and Judaism

The New York Times today (May 1) has a review by Ben Ratliff of a concert at
the Knitting Factory of jazz music with Jewish motifs.  If you don't have
the paper, you can read the review at the paper's Web site  (If you are not already a user of the site, you
have to register but there is no charge.  Once there, go to NewYorktoday and
click on "Music".)

Ratliff writes: The music "reaffirmed that putting Western harmonic patterns
further down on the list of priorities and shifting modes and vamps to the
top can get a musician practically anywhere, from jazz to Cuba to the Middle
East and Africa.  If such music is well played, these links needn't be
intellectually defended; the world's history of migration and exile have
already made them."

I'm not familiar with the performers mentioned in the review.  I'd like to
hear from those on this maillist who are.

Marvin Margoshes

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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