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RE: RE(2): De shtoob?

You know I just realized that I did this quickly and mostly copied the text 
that was already there without making all the proper changes.  The fourth line 
should have been "vos ikh hob gelibt" in one version.

>Vu iz dos gesele?          Where is the little street
>Vu iz dos shtibele         Where is the house
>Vu iz dos meydele          Where is the girl
>Vos ikh hob gelibt         Whom I loved?

Another variant, the waltz version is

>Vu iz dos gesele?          Where is the little street
>Vu iz di shtib             Where is the house
>Vu iz doz meydele          Where is the girl
>Vos ikh hob lib            Whom I loved?

I don't know if you know Yiddish rhythm or if are correctly pronouncing the 
Yiddish for me to tell you why it isn't working for you.   Believe me that this 
is the same song your father was singing, but which variant melody it is, I can 
not tell you.   The song with chords appear in one of the Mloteks books.

Recordings?  I don't know, but I think that Miriam Nirenberg may have sung it 
on the record that Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett recorded with her.  I remember 
that we analyzed a unique variant from Mrs. Nirenberg in a class in 1975 when 
we were doing our musical research and collecting for the YIVO Music Project, 
but I am not sure if that song got into that recording or not.


From:  Steven M. Alper[SMTP:alper (at) bway(dot)net]
Sent:  Friday, April 16, 1999 9:37 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  RE(2): De shtoob?

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 21:03:14 -0400 Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky 
<reyzl (at) flash(dot)net> wrote:

>From: Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky <reyzl (at) flash(dot)net>
>Subject: RE: De shtoob?
>Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 21:03:14 -0400
>Vu iz dos gesele?          Where is the little street
>Vu iz di shtib?            Where is the house
>Vu iz doz meydele          Where is the girl
>Vemen chob lib?            Whom I loved?
>Ot iz dos gesele           Here is the little street
>Ot iz di shtib             Here is the house
>Nishto shoyn dos meydele   the girl is no longer here
>Vos ikh hob lib            The one that I loved.
>There are 3 different melodies that we know these lyrics

I can't see how this set of lyrics fits the melody I've been given; the 
second stanza seems three syllables too long.

Do you by any chance know where I might find a music for the three?

Thanks for your corrections.

Best wishes,

Steven M. Alper
alper (at) bway(dot)net or alper (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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