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Re: Kiddush Levarah, Esther and Mordecai, etc.

Jewish Worship by Abraham Millgram (JPS 1971) describes Kiddush
Levanah in his section on The Consecration of the Moon (p.266-268).
Without going into details,

As to ceremony: it "is a real service with a regular benediction."
(Note that this is distinguished from the ritual of Blessing the New

As to dancing: Millgram refers to "ancient days, when dancing was part
of the New Moon celebration."

As to historical observance: "In the geonic period ... all the
services connected with the new moon were rendered with equal

As to contemporary observance: "Only few congregations still gather
outside their synagogues to consecrate the moon.  Most modern prayer
books do not even include the prayers for this service."

Perhaps with the resurgence of the observance of new moon traditions
as a result of the encouragement of women, this tradition is being
revived.  Has anyone been to one?


-----Original Message-----
From: jbgordon <jbgordon (at) cloud9(dot)net>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: Kiddush Levarah, Esther and Mordecai, etc.

>I dont know about kiddush levarah, but Kiddush Levone is the ceremony
>for the new moon which must be said while the moon is waxing, and can
>actually viewed. It is traditionally said on Saturday night after
>Havdalah,  Or did you know that? I remember a story from my Seminary
>days about Chassidm who rented a plane because it was cloudy the last
>Saturday night in the waxing moon and they had to fly above the cloud
>cover to say Kiddush Levane. I have the ceremony in several
>Siddurim.  jonathan gordon
jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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