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Re: Yiddish "Jingle Bells"

In a message dated 03/15/1999 9:24:08 AM Central Standard Time,
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com writes:

<< Okay, at a dance this weekend, deep oy vey comes over to me and
 asks me if I've heard of a Yiddish recording of "Jingle Bells."
 Some group with a punkish name (not the Klezmatics, obviously).
 It was featured on an NPR show back in December, maybe Saturday's
 All Things Considered or the Saturday morning news show. >>

It's called OY TO THE WORLD and was done in Chicago this past holiday season
by a group of sidemen brought together for the occassion.  One of my guys
played some of the tracks on it.  The producer called them "The Klezmanauts,"
but they are not a real band except for this studio experience.  I understand
that it sold well enough that they may be regrouped for a sequel.  It's
actually a very polished performance, and the humor of some of the tracks
(like the Little Drummer Boy played with a If I Were A Rich Man rhythm) are
quite cleverly arranged.  I wish I know how they got such great placement--I
saw them on the check-out counter at Barnes and Knobel!

Lori Lippitz, Maxwell Street Klemzer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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