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Fwd: KlezKanada, Aug 18-22, 1999, Quebec

>From: johncobb (at) ican(dot)net
>Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:22:24 EST
>KlezKanada, an internationally-renowned annual 4 day multidimensional
>Jewish/Yiddish Festival of music & culture, began in 1996.  It's goal is to
>gather together some of the most talented and creative artists, musicians
>and scholars and invite the interested public to join them to experience
>the excitement and intellectual joy of this close-encounter.  It's ultimate
>objective is to illustrate that the Jewish/Yiddish world remains a vital,
>engaging and innovative force.  In addition, to encourage the younger
>generation, 40 youth scholarships are offered each year.
>This year's KlezKanada will be held from August 18th to 22nd inclusive, at
>its usual site the Camp B'nai Brith in Lantier, Quebec.  Further
>information or communication on our website our
>e-mail address, jecerc (at) total(dot)net, by phone: (514) 345-2610 or by fax: 
>Hy Goldman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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