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Re: Visiting Australia

Dear Elliott,

I live in Canberra, and don't know much about the Israeli or International folk
dance scene, particularly in other cities, but you may be able to find 
something on
the web. Melbourne and Sydney have Jewish museums which are often interesting. 
Powerhouse Museum in Sydney is currently showing an exhibition of artefacts from
the Prague Jewish Museum which is quite good, but I'm not sure if that will 
be there in May.

There are no bands which perform a majority of Israeli material that I know of, 
Melbourne has two groups: 'Klezmania' and 'Klezmeritis', both of whom play
(nominally) klezmer music (some klezmer tunes, mostly Yiddish songs, probably 
Israeli pieces). Ernie Gruner, whose address is on Ari Davidow's page I believe,
would be able to give you more information about when and where these two groups
might be perfroming.

I hope that's at least some help, and that you enjoy your visit!


Elliott wrote:

> Tim--
> I assume from your address that you are inAustralia.
> I'm visiting Australia in May .My schedule:
> Cairns May 3,4
> Sydney May 7,8
> Melborne May 10,11
> Christchurch,NZ May 12,13
> Do you have any suggestions for things of interest or Israeli or
> International folk dance places.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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