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Re: Bitchin' about the role of percussion in Mideastern in

Ernie Gruner / Cathy Dowden <erniegru (at) mira(dot)net> wrote:

> please could you describe the buben and the baraban more
> can you refer to any recordings or photographs or players or makers of
> these instruments? Do you know anything about the rhythmic patterns and
> role in ensemble etc?

I've only seen the buben in pictures.  If you can find it, a book by 
K. A. Vertkov et al., *Atlas instrumenty narodov SSSR* (1963) has 
photographs and some notated musical examples.  A book by Inna 
Nazina, *Belorusskie narodnie instrumenty* (1982, also 1997 newer 
edition in Byelorussion) has photos.  There are other Belarusian and 
Ukrainian sources too.  I'm not up on current recordings, but 
possibly the Folklyric reissue of Ukrainian recordings made in the 
U.S. in the '20s, "Ukrainian-American Fiddle & Dance Music," is 
available.  There was a nice 4-record set from Melodiya, "Ukrainska 
troista muzyka," issued in the '70s.  I think the UNESCO Belarus CD 
has it.  Probably any recording of Ukrainian village music will have 
baraban.  What I've seen is the bass drum on the floor, padded stick 
in the right hand, left hand operating one cymbal, and they make a 

Paul Gifford

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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