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Re: record research

Some of this depends on whether you are only interested in information
about the piece (whether it was recorded, by whom, etc.), and perhaps where
you may listen to it, or whether you actually want to own it.

Here's a summary of the general procedures music librarians follow.  For
discographic information about whether the piece has ever been recorded,
you could check all of the sources you mention.  In addition, you would
want to check WorldCat (the public database version of OCLC).   You could
also search Tower Records, CDNow, etc. online. Depending on the specific
piece, you could also check various bibliographies and discographies
devoted to specific topics and/or composers.  What you look for is the
recording company label and number and the date of release.

If you decide you want the piece, then where you found the information (and
the date) will be important.  If it's in Schwann or one of the online
vendors, then it's probably available in a record store of through the
online vendor.  If you found it only in a bibliography/discography or in
WorldCat, then it may no longer be available for sale.  So you could try
the OP market, used record sales, etc.  

You could also go to a record jobber - they'd be able to tell you whether
it's currently available and whether they can get it.  Jobbers include
Parnassus as you mentioned, Audio Buff in Ohio, Rhinebeck Records in NY,
Gary Thal in NYC, etc.  Some are advertised in the Music Library
Association's journal, NOTES.  The Association for Recorded Sound
Collections' Journal and Newsletter would also have more information.  In
fact, you could place an ad for something you want in their newsletter.

Hope this helps.
Linda Blotner

Linda Solow Blotner
Head, Hartt Library
University of Hartford
West Hartford, CT 06117
phone: 860-768-4492
fax:   860-768-5295
email: blotner (at) mail(dot)hartford(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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