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Re: [Fwd: Re: Fwd: Spiritrave "Dancing the Tree of Life": February 20]

I'd stick around and bitch
But it will be Shabbos soon
I've got to go now.

At 10:46 AM 2/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Eliezer Kaplan wrote:
>> Joel and Owen-
>> Here's my rant for the day:
>> It's really not funny- this attempt to present something as mysticism which
>> is so much bullshit. Shades of Jacob Frank. One of the things I love about
>> music making (at least the sort that I'm involved with) is that it can be
>> trancy and meditative- that's very cool- but I would NEVER take some common
>> activity, no matter how cool, and label it as 'kabbalistic'. Of true Jewish
>> mysticism I know nothing (other than what I can read about in Scholem,
>> etc), and I would not cheapen the actual secrets of Torah and tradition
>> (whatever that may mean) by taking some prepackaged crap- like all the
>> other prepackaged crap that 'American culture' expects us to buy, and label
>> it Kaballah.
>>                         EK
>>> >At 06:09 PM 2/4/99 -0600, Eliezer Kaplan wrote:
>> >>Ain't nothin' piss me off quite as much as 'pop Kaballah'.
>> >>                      EK
>> >>>>Yehudit Steinberg & Friends presents Spiritravetm
>> >>>> " Dancing the Tree of Life "
>> >>>>Saturday Nite  February 20,1999
>Haiku Yehudit
> Dancing is better 
>      than complaining
>  Eliezer
>              cannot 
>                          faze her

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