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Re: New recordings

>I've heard from several sources this week about new CDs by the oudist and
>Chazzan of Djerba, Yacoub B'Chiri and Emil Zrihan, the Moroccan chazan of
>Ashkelon. Has anyone heard them/where are they for sale?

There is (unfortunately only) one CD by Emil Zrihan in Yuval's Sound
Archive, "Shirim u-piyyutim me-shire' yedidut", produced by KOLIPHONE
(Azoulay Brothers) in 1993. Their address is: 29, Reziel street
Iafo/Jaffa, ISRAEL; phone no. +972 (0)3 832370.
He's a wonderful voice.

All the best,

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                             YUVAL ITALIA
                Centro di Studi sulla Musica Ebraica
           The Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

                    dr. Francesco Spagnolo, Director

via della Guastalla,19    20122 Milano Italy   tel/fax +39 2 55014977
mailto:yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it     
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