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Re: Accordion jokes

I have a friend in Cambridge, MA who plays the accordion.  Not making
much money as an accordionist, he lives in a small 3-story walk-up and
parks his car right on the street in front - it's not a good
neighborhood, and his car's been stolen before, but he has no choice. 
The other day he got home from rehearsal, shlepped up the snowy steps
and into his apartment, and had just gotten the kettle on when he
realized that he'd left his accordion in the car!  He raced downstairs,
nearly falling in his hurry, but when he got to his car, it was too
late!  Somebody had already broken into his car... and left another

Larry Solomon   shlomo (at) apk(dot)net (to reply, remove foot from mouth)
Proprietor, Merkaz Judaica

"All the world is a very narrow bridge.  The most important
part is not to be afraid." --Reb Nachman of Bratslav

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