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NewBe: e-resources wanted for research

Hello there,

I'm new to this list. It was suggested that I posted a message on this
bandwidth in order to get in touch with fellow-musicians and researchers.
What follows is a repost from an earlier message:

I've got you a (number of) question(s): I'm looking for specific information
about Jewish music, scales, instruments, history, etc.

Reason: I'm a musician myself and have just started a new folk project which
will be based upon solely Jewish music (Klezmer, Doina, Bulgarian Tanz,
e.m.m.) and I'm looking for as much information as possible, as we are in
the research phase of the project at this time. We have planned to
re-create/arrange the songs in a new way and (if there's time left) write a
few new songs in the same style. This will not be easy because the main
course will consist of arrangements which one could describe best as "the
same way Clanned has treated Irish folk to make it more accessable for
today's listeners".

So, for research purpose I'd like to receive as many theoretical
music-scientific and -technology information anyone could provide. Could you
maybe (re)direct me to some good resources on the Internet or recommand me
some mailing lists where I could dispose of my many questions? I have a
degree in soundsynthesis and signalprocessing, so I'm not a newcomer. I'd
like to skip the basic information.

Thank you in advance, I whish you peace and Ot Azoj.

Ricardo Verschut

That's (in short) the story of how I got to this list. If this works out,
I'll be asking a lot more questions (I'll give it a shot to only shoot one
at a time) in the future. As I'm not an native Englisman/American I'll do my
very best to state my questions as clear as possible. Please feel free to
correct me in case I'm not making myself clear enough.

Here it goes:

My first question is about scales. I wonder if someone could point out a
(number of) Net-resources which clearly show the definition of music scales
used in Jewish traditional music. I think of private web-sites from people
with an interest in this field, or music-education sites. I'd appriciate
some graphical and score material in addition to the text. This may include
the historical development of scales within the many different streams of
Jewish folk. I have some general knowledge but that's not enough to get in
touch with the spirit of the music. Please feel free to advise.

Up to now I've had a hard time finding the right thing. Unfortunately I
don't have a lot of time to get to the library and look things up (I've done
that last December without the desired results, resources are too limited)
and therefor hope to find some answers through electronic-resources. In the
past (when I was starting Phrygian-modi project) it has proven to be the
largest resource I've ever seen. I'm thinking about unsubscribing from the
university-library and stay online for 24 hours...

All information is welcome. I thank you all in advance for your responses.

Peace to all,


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