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Re: Maikomashmaolon words

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Lucy Fisher wrote:

> Thanks so much for the may ko mash ma lon words. Now I need to
> translate from verse 3! With O level German and a smattering of
> Yiddish I may get by. (O levels are exams you take at 14 - or used
> to, it's all changed since my day.)
> Lucy

Translation from verse 3

What is the meaning of the clock? with its yellow dial and its harsh
ringing? It's a mechanical vessel with no life and no feeling. The hour
arrives and it must strike without desire, without will.

What is the meaning of my life? Rotting and fading in my youth, getting
old before my time. Eating in a stranger's house and swallowing tears,
sleeping on the hard bench. Dying in this world and waiting for the


Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

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