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Re: Maikomashmaolon words

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Lucy Fisher wrote:

> Does anyone have the full Yiddish text for the song Maikomashmalon
> der Regen? (If you don't know it i think you'll like it.)
> Lucy

Here are the lyrics to May-ko Mash-me-lon taken from "Pearls of Yiddish
Song" compiled by Eleanor Gordon Mlotek & Joseph Mlotek, publised by the
Education Dept. of the Workmen's Circle, c1988.
words by Abraham Reisen (1875-1953)

May ko mashme-lon der regn?
Vos zhe lozt er mir tsu hern?
Zayne tropns oyf di shoybn
Kayklen zikh vi tribe trern.
Un di shtivl iz tserisn, 
Un es vert in gas a blote;
Bald vet oykh der vinter kumen -
Kh'hob keyn vareme kapote...

May ko mashme-lon dos likhtl?
Vos zhe lozt es mir tsu hern?
S'kapet un es trift ir kheylev
Un s'vet bald fun ir nit vern.
Azoy tsank ikh do in klayzl,
Vi a likhtl, shvakh un tinkl, (tunkl)
Biz ikh vel azoy mir oysgeyn
In der shtil, in mizrekh-vinkl...

May do mashme-lon der zeyger?
Vos zhe lozt er mir tsu hern?
Mit zayn gelbn tsifer-bletl,
Mit zayn klingen, mit zayn shvern?
S'iz an ongeshtelte keyle,
S'hot keyn lebn, keyn gefiln, 
Kumt di sho, dan muz er shlogn,
On zayn rotsn, on zayn viln...

May ko mashme-lon mayn lebn?
Vos zhe lozt es mikh tsu hern?
Foyln, velkn in der yugnt,
Far der tsayt fareltert vern.
Esn teg un shlingen trern,
Shlofn oyf dem bank, dem hartn,
Teytn do di oylem haze -
Un oyf oylem habe vartn...


Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

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