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FW: [JHUMOR] Are you well familiar with your mice?

I thought I would share that with you all.  


From:  Boris M. Schein[SMTP:bschein (at) comp(dot)uark(dot)edu]
Sent:  Saturday, January 09, 1999 7:33 PM
To:  jhumor (at) lgk(dot)com
Subject:  [JHUMOR] Are you well familiar with your mice?

 T  H  E    J  E  W  I  S  H     H  U  M  O  R      L  I  S  T

A man comes to the director of a circus in Moscow. He opens an attache 
case, and little mice, each of them in a tiny tuxedo, jump out, take tiny
musical instruments from minuscule cases, a mouse-conductor stands in
front, raises its baton and the orchestra plays Tchaikovsky's Second
"Wonderful!" exclaims the circus director. "Astounding! I've never seen
anything like that in my life!"
"So you take this for your circus?"
"Of course, not!"
"Why? This is a show with guaranteed success, a sure thing!"
"Are you well familiar with your mice? Just look at that little mouse with
a violin, the third from the left in the second row. It looks definitely


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