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Re: Bernstein, Symphony no. 3 "KADDISH"

THere seems to me more influence of actual Jewish musical materials in

A thorough evaluation of Jewish musical influences on Bernstein's Symphony
#1, JEREMIAH (1942) may be found in:

 Lubin, Abraham. "The influence of Jewish music and thought in certain
music of Leonard Bernstein." JOURNAL OF SYNAGOGUE MUSIC, III, 3, August,
1971, 17-22. 

The article cites composer Max Helfman's program notes to the NY Phil's
10/16/63 performnace:

  Jeremiah is fashioned almost exclusively on the Ashkenazic cantillation 
  used for chanting the prophetic portion on the Sabbath [Haftorah], the 
  mode for chanting Lamentations on Tisha B'av [Eicha] and, finally, on
  general 'Nussach' motives for festival and penitential prayers. 

If the sender of this message needs a copy of the article, please contact
me off-line at the above e-mail address.


Eliott Kahn
Music Archivist
JTS Library

On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Lavrans [UNKNOWN] Schrøder wrote:

> Can someone help me with information on Leonard Bernsteins "KADDISH"
> symphony, and his use of jewish music in it? (Also interested in info.
> on Symphony no. 1: "Jeremiah")
>       Thank you,
>       Gaute

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