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RE: complaint

Having been a participant in online communities since the early days of the
net and online services (I was on CompuServe by 1980,) and myself an owner
and/or moderator or several lists, I am dismayed whenever I see a lack of
tolerance on a list for a diversity in viewpoint regarding what issues are
"on topic." As a list owner/moderator, I do like to keep my lists generally
on topic, and respect the right of the owner of this list do so. The owner
of this list has made his feeling clear about this several times (though
I've not seen him wield a heavy hand.)

But when a topic is of genuine interest, even if only to a significant
majority, and generates a continuing thread, it really deserves a little
tolerance from other list members. When a topic is not of interest it will
eventually fade away. (Unless it is a dialog between only two or three list
members, which is a different matter entirely.)

One rule I try to follow on my lists, in any case, is to never simply say
"this item is off topic." I will explain why, and OFFER another forum where
it may be more appropriate (or point to resources for locating one.) A good
list-owner would be up on what else is on the net.

In addition, you have answered your own dilemma - use the delete key. I have
such high email traffic that I use a MUA that previews message content so I
can quickly scan and decide what to read. Use the tools at your disposal.
The net requires list participants to make some effort towards
discriminating. You can't expect the list owners and the self-policing
aspects of lists to take care of everything you might find objectionable or

I will now end this off-topic diatribe, and hope it is tolerated in the
spirit in which it is proffered.

Adrian A. Durlester

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Klezcorner (at) 
Sent: Friday, December 18, 1998 2:12 PM
To: World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject: Re: complaint

In a message dated 12/17/98 9:34:38 PM, you wrote:

I am getting really annoyed with the recent correspondences (e.g. Jews and
Christians and Xmas music) on this list.  It is to the point where I am just
deleting everything that comes from this network without opening it.  How
about returning to our purpose of discussing Jewish music!!!


I second that!!!!
Adrian A. Durlester  -  durleste (at) home(dot)com
Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Music Director, Congregation Micah, Nashville, TN
Home phone (615) 646-9788
Nextel cel-phone (615) 207-2661
You can page me from
List-Owner for hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Co-Owner for L-Torah (at) 
Editor, Bim Bam (for Torah Aura Productions)
Evening Program Chair, CAJE 23 - San Antonio TX, Aug 9-13, 1998
Alternate Email: aad (at) iname(dot)com  adriand (at) aol(dot)com

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