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Cool Jewish music, in English?

During the discussion of Irving Berlin, Paul Simon etc the question was raised
about cool Jewish music in English.

Does this exist?

While much cool Jewish music is being made - of the radical and non-radical
varieties - nearly all of it is either instrumental or in a traditional Jewish
language.  Frequently I'll be listening to a new disc and be totally into the
sound when an English cut, or just a chorus or two, will come on and change
the tone.  What is it about the English material that makes it sound like

On the other hand, some have argued that Dylan is the greatest Jewish
songwriter.  I love Dylan, but don't really hear what is Jewish about his
music.  What about Lou Reed or the Ramones or Kiss? Are musicians Jewish
becuase they write about the themes of alienation, justice, wandering etc.
Aren't these really universal themes that only become "Jewish" because of the
biography of the artist, an identity that may or may not be embraced.

Some work by Peter Himmelman and Kinky Friedman manage, to my ear,  to be both
Jewish and cool (non-kitch).  Anyone interested should check out "Unititled"
by Himmelman and Kinky's "Ride Em Jewboy," both cool Jewish English songs on
holocaust themes. Are there other artists doing this type of work?   

Maybe my problem is that my grasp of Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino is poor at
best and that Jewish material in these languages is kitch too.  

Any thoughts?

Gideon [Garonoff (at) aol(dot)com]
P.S.  A note on "Festival of Lights."  Whatever people's views on the music or
the marketing of the CD, it was great to walk into  the Washington DC Borders
Books and Music and hear the Masada Sting Trio instead of Kenny Gs Christmas.

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