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Re: Jews for XMAS

And how about Macy's being owned by Jews, as well as many of the Am,erican 
retailers who promote XMAS.

Are we overlooking the most obvious connection of all ,taht JC was born and died
a Jew?

Rich W.

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Subject: Jews for XMAS 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    12/16/98 12:17 PM

I certainly DO NOT want to spend more time on this issue (this is a JEWISH 
music list), but it's interesting to consider the impact of Jewish writers 
and composers on the current landscape of Xmas music.

The liner notes of Mandy Patinkin's recent "Mamaloshen" album raise this 
very issue about the "Jewishness" of secular (or even Christian holiday) 
music written by Jews (i.e. Irving Berlin - "White Xmas", Paul Simon, 
etc...) regardless of content.  (i.e.  The expression of the Jewish 
musical soul comes through - no matter how assimilated we may be.)

Two cents of gelt.

info (at) jewishsong(dot)com

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