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Monika, Oy Monika

Dear list-members,

I need a little help from these terrific Yiddish-speakers of this list, as
a Yiddish student in Great Britain sent me this "parody" (his word) in the
mistaken belief that I'm a Yiddish-speaker (perhaps due to my writing on
Yiddish culture and related Jewish themes). Could someone on the list
please be so kind as to translate it for me. It should be sung to the tune
of "Khanike, Oy Khanike", I've been told. I understand some, but far from 
all. It seems to be a piece of modern folklore, I think, as it - according
to my source - "is reported to have been created collectively in a festive 
mood". Here goes:

Monika, Oy Monika

Monika, Oy Monika
A meydl, a sheyne
G'arbet in Vashington
Af a shtele, a kleyne
  Gelibt zikh mit der prezident
  Fartsaylt ale fraynt
  Shpringt aroys di sonim
  Zey plugn im biz haynt

Monika. Oy Monika
Vos vet zayn der sof
Ven djurnalistn, senatorn
 Esen der prezident oyf
  Zey hobn keyn derekherets
  Hipokritn tog un nakht
  Zey veln nisht uplozn
  Biz zey varfen im arop fun makht

Monika, Oy Monika
A yidishe tokhter
Arayn in geshikhte
S'is nisht keyn gelakhter
  Efsher kumt ir take "mazl tov"
  Zi iz gevorn aza <star>
  Ober ven ikh batrakht zikh:
  <Close, but no cigar>

Monika, Oy Monika
Es shaynt di menoyre
Es dermant mikh ver ikh bin
Shtoltz bin ikh mit mayn toyre
  Ober in dayn shtub
  Ven es shaynt azoy sheyn
  Ikh shrek zikh tsu klern
  Vi dos likhtl iz shoyn geveyn

Thanks in advance,
Ingemar J.

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