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news about "Active Art in Amsterdam" workshops

Tulip Art Connection Holland launches in 1999 a new formula of music and

art workshops, in combination with excursions to
Dutch sites, cities and guided tours to the world famous museums in
Delft, Leiden, Antwerp.
We stay in 17th Century Dutch manorhouses and castles; you work in rooms

decorated in original Delft Blue!
During 1-8 mai 1999
           17-24 july
            31 july -7th August
the castles( near Amsterdam) belong to musicians and artists!
We are setting up a large variety of music and art workshops, for anyone

a place according his/her abilities and experience.
There is room for more than 90 people, and more than 25 working rooms!
Every workshop has its own faculty.
THe following workshops are being ready now:
music: chambermusic-choir -early music( f.i. recorder quartet and
consort music)-
piano 4 hands and 2 piano's- wind ensembles.
art: drawing in the Zoo( Artis in Amsterdam)-
painting landscape-portraitpainting-aquarelling.

NEW: 17-24 july 1999: workshop with a public concert in the castle,
MENDELSSOHN, LOBGESANG= Symf. no 2 , opus 52 for  full orchestra,
choir and soloists.
A splendid work, worth to work on for a week!

But we have many more idea's to fill the castles.
If you are interested  you just have to contact me, because for every
group of
a minimum of 15 people we can make an extra workshop.
I'm thinking of workshops Jewish Music, Opera Music, or music for solo
with accomagniment of a small chambermusic ensemble.
Who is interested as well?

Good Faculty is half of the fun of your workshop.
For the spring workshops( 1-8mai1999) we have already engaged The
Stringquartet for intensive coaching of chambermusic. They give a
concert as well,
on 2nd of Mai.
Four eminent musicians came from all over the world( Finland, Australia,
together in Holland in 1985 and have since then a String Quartet,
widely known for its spirituality and outstanding quality.

PLease visit the Tulip Art site at
for more news about our workshops.
Or ask our free brochure( in English or German)
Our reach me by phone/fax, E-mail, or postal service.
Kind Regards,
Olga van der Hoeden
musician and manager Tulip Art Connection
PO Box 9649
1006 GC Amsterdam
tel/fax  +31 - 20-610 34 83
E-mail: info (at) tulipart(dot)nl

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