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[Fwd: Dreamworks

PKellyJr (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> I think Dreamworks should be congratulated for making a Jewish movie.
> This significant effort is preferable to no pride at all.
> The reality is that Jews are not a significant economical buying force in
> comparison to the number of Christians in the U.S.   If we want to do
> something positive, it would be more productive to write to Dreamworks
> thanking them for their effort AND ASKING WHEN THE JEWISH MUSIC tapes
> accompanying the show will come out.  Perhaps a consortium of Jewish musicians
> could contact Dreamworks and ask to piggyback onto the movie.  Well guys, what
> are you waiting for?
> Miriam Winder-Kelly

I do not wish to disparage the intensity of your Jewish pride or to pass
judgement on what  satisfies you cinematically or musically, -- 
however, talk of "a consortium of Jewish musicans" to "contact
DreamWorks in an  attempt  to "piggyback" (!!! - an unfortunate  choice
of words)  an already- completed multi-million-dollar project  is 
extremely naive.  You obviously have no idea  how Hollywood works or who
S, K and G are.  Do you think all one has to do is write a letter or
make a phone call?  These men are billionaires;  do you actually believe
they are interested in hearing from people not already in their circle?

At best, your letter would receive a form letter in return from some
minimum-wage  production-assistant saying that they don't accept
unsolicited material, if you hear from them at all.   Unless you are a
"name" represented by another "name",  you don't even enter the sphere
of  anyone who has the power to do anything.

You do make a point, though;  that of  the profit motive.
In this case,  very big profits; often tens, possibly hundred of
millions of dollars.  The goal of the corporation producing the film in
this case  is to have as many or all of the revenue-generating aspects
of the film in their control as possible.  This usually means  everybody
from the director to the screenwriter to the musicmiester all are with 
the same mega-agency to begin with.  The songs --and the publishing  and
licensing deals that go with them,  potentially very lucrative, will be
seen to all be under the same corporate umbrella. 
Its all about package deals and percentages.

The old Mickey Rooney-Judy Garland "Hey kids, let's put on a show in the
old barn" scenario you imagine only exists  in the movies.

The sloppy seconds you proffer the creative Jewish musician are  beneath

You would have us ask: "When are the 'Prince of Egypt' Jewish music
tapes coming out"?
When <moshiakh> comes.

Wolf Krakowski

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