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Re: Happy Chanukah My Friend

In a message dated 98-12-09 15:13:38 EST, you write:

<< Mike:
 We had this CD some years ago (pre-1990 at least) at our NPR station and it
 was "withdrawn" as "too controversial". (unfortunately many people took the
 recording the wrong way). Lots of folks didn't think it was pc and the
 music director just didn't think it was worth it since there were lots of
 other music to use. Ithought there were several really fine and clever
 tunes on the CD and have a copy at home. But my favorite Chanukah album is
 our local group: Zamir Chorale the "Lights" album. It's one of the finest
 recordings of Chanukah music and especially for those who love choral
 music. j. >>

Strange.....I think it is rather a stretch to consider this album not pc.  
I don't have the Lights album.....
I will be doing 2 2hour shows of chanukah music and related sound (comedy,
stories, etc) beginning with thisSunday's show.  There is just ton's of good
stuff out there.

The show airs Sunday 12 noon EST    is where you can catch it
live or at your leisure in the archives.....ENJOY!!!

Chag Orim Sameach

mike eisenstadt

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