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Re: Fwd: Klezmatics-Chava

It's on the web:

An audio enhanced rundown for the whole show, Julia Childs and all, is at

They had two appearances.

The first and second appearances are at these real audio links, respectively:


At 10:36 AM -0400 12/1/98, Ari Davidow wrote:
>>Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 15:04:48 -0500
>>From: Itzik Becher <aviv2 (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com>
>>On December 5, The Klezmatics and Chava ALberstein are on A Prairie Home
>>Companion radio show.  Broadcasted live on 450 stations throughout the
>>country, Chava and the band will perfom materials from "The Well".
>This is probably available via RealAudio on some sites--check it out!
>(You already know that I think this is the live pairing of the season ;-).)

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