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I Moscow Int'l competition--Jewish folk music

From: Juergen Cohen <fsm (at) rosmail(dot)ru>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:44:36 +0300
Organization: Hatikva

Charity Foundation for Jewish culture "HATIKVA"

The Solomon Mikhoels Cultural Center

The Board of The Moscow International Festival of arts
 named after of Solomon Mikhoels

Dear Sirs!
Charity Foundation for Jewish culture "HATIKVA", the Solomon Mikhoels 
Cultural Center, the Board of The Moscow International Festival of arts 
named after of Solomon Mikhoels declare the I Moscow International 
competition of the performers of folk Jewish music

The competition will held at 23-30 of April, 1999 in the framework of the 
II Moscow International Festival of Arts named after of Solomon Mikhoels.
Information about our activity you can find in the Global computer network 
Internet to the address: http: //


 April 23-30, 1999, Moscow.

The Solomon Mikhoels Cultural Center
Charity Foundation for Jewish culture "HATIKVA"

Declare in 1999 the I Moscow International competition of the performers of 
folk Jewish music - competition of groups of the performers - 

 In competition can take part the groups of the performers - 
instrumentalists  from Russia, CIS and other countries without restrictions 
of the age. Participation of the singers is possible, but won't be 
The purpose of competition - to popularize the Jewish musical culture.
The main tasks of the competition - to discover the genre of klezmer -the 
music of Ashkenazes and the music of Sephards, little known not only in 
Russia, but also abroad, for a broad audience, revealing and support of the 
talented performers worldwide.

The order of application

The organizing committee accepts the application forms for participation in 
competition which were send till 15.01.99 (on a postage stamp).

The application must be contained by the following documents:
Copy of the passport of each member of group.
The creative biography of the group
Repertoire of the group
Review and other publications in press - in the presence of
The videocassette (VHS format is desirable) and audiocassette with the 
recording of no less 4 compositions executed by the group. All materials 
won't be returned.
2 colour photos of the group on a glossy paper measuring   13x18 cm
2 photos of each member of the group measuring 3,5x4,5 cm. All photos 
should be signed on the backside.

Reception of the documents to the address: 123557, Russia, Moscow, Malya 
Gruzinskya street, 46, Foundation "Hatikva".

The entrance fee for each participant of competition makes 80 $ USA from 
the person and is introduced to day of arrival (in a rouble equivalent)
In exclusive cases the problem on an entrance fee is considered by 
organizing committee in addition. The applications on privileges move 
together with the application form for participation in the competition.
In default of candidate from participation in the competition the documents 
do not return, irrespective of the reason of refusal.
The participation of the singers is possible, but it is not evaluated.

The order of  the realization of the competition

1.      The well-known musicians from different countries are invited to Jury.
2.      The compositions of the competitive program are executed by heart.
3.      The competition is conducted in two rounds.
The first rounds is the qualifying and consists of listening of the 
audiocassette and carried out from January 15 till January 30 for 
 selection of the candidates for the second round.
For the second round are supposed no more than 20 groups. The notice about 
inclusion in composition of the participants with date of arrival  in 
Moscow will be sent not later than for 2 months prior to the beginning of 
the second round under the condition of granting by the participant all 
necessary documents: the return address, telephone, fax, e-mail.
The order of performance in the competition is determined by a toss-up.
4.      The decision of the Jury is final and can't be discuss.
5.      The electro-acoustic rehearsal in a hall (about 30 minutes) is granting 
to each participant
6.      The winners and diplomants of the competition are obliged to perform 
gratis in the final concert of the competition in Moscow, and winners of 
the first premium and Gran-prix - at Gala-concert of the Second Moscow 
International Festival of arts  named after of Solomon Mikhoels.
7.      The organizational committee reserve the right to itself for 
of competitive listening both concerts on a television and wireless, entry 
both distribution audio- and videomaterials of competition without the 
additional fee.

Financial and other conditions.

1.      The high quality sound equipment and staff of the professional sound 
technicians is granting to the participants of competition in case of need.
2.      The Organizing Committee will cover the payment of expenses for staying 
in Moscow (residing, feed) only of participants of competition.
3.      The Organizing Committee won't cover the travelling expenses.
4.      At the request of the participants of the competition the Organizing 
Committee can reserve the places for accompanying. All costs connected to 
stay accompanying in Moscow are carried out at own expense.

The premiums and awards

1.      The Organizing Committee of the International competition of the Jewish 
folk music declares the following prizes:
Gran-prix -4000 US dollars and "'¡''Ð'À¡ " Gold Mikhoels"
I premiums - 3000 US dollars and memorable medal
2 premiums - 2000 US dollars and memorable medal
3 premiums - 1000 US dollars and memorable medal
2.      The participants taken prize-winning places receive a rank of the 
laureate of competition.
3.      The Participants of the Second round not taken prize-winning places 
receive the diploma of the participant of competition.
4.      The Jury of competition has the right:
To adjudge not all premiums and diplomas,
To divide one premium between the participants
To adjudge special prizes.

5.      All payments for citizens of CIS are made in a rouble equivalent.

The program of the Competition

4 compositions on the videocassette at the discretion of  the participants

Composition at the discretion of the participant
Mandatory composition (Hava Nagila) in arrangement of the group
Composition from the repertoire of the group under the instructions of the 
Ensemble improvising on a specific theme (Klezmer Jam-session)

FOR FURTHER INFO, CONTACT: fsm (at) rosmail(dot)ru

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