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MetroKlezmer DEC 7 & future shows, discs, etc. (adv.)

Hi all!  New York City Dec '98 and Jan '99 gigs & int'l CD/tape distrib,
reviews, etc., listed below:

Catch ~METROPOLITAN KLEZMER's Hanuka Preview show =MONDAY, DECEMBER 7= at CB's
313 Gallery, NYC from 7 til 10pm (two sets, $7).  Special guests include
**Basya Schechter** of >>Pharaoh's Daughter<< & more surprises.  CB's Gallery
is at 313 Bowery @ Bleecker St, just above Houston, tel 212/677-0455.  A fun &
infamous show is guaranteed, featuring:

*Ismail Butera, accordion/bendir
*Steve Elson, clarinets/saxophone
*Michael Hess, violin/kanun/ney flutes/viola
*Dave Hofstra, bass/tuba
*Deborah Karpel, vocals
*Eve Sicular, drums... and Harris Wulfson, violin
MetroKlezmer =Yiddish for Travelers= CDs & tapes, plus our splendid "Wedding
Band" t-shirts, available for your holiday gift foraging (all with ^beauteous^
art design!! ... in stores everywhere, distrib worldwide by Stern's Music; and
on the web at &  A few recent

"Usually klezmer gets too humorous for my taste but Yiddish for Travelers is a
surprisingly enjoyable album."  ~Donald R. Holland, US Army 

"I enjoyed your new CD very much - it's a great band!"  ~John Zorn

"An encompassing survey of selections from klezmer's origins and
crossroads....Metropolitan's klezmer mastery, well-researched selections, and
enlightening liner notes translate to one thing: recommended."  ~Dirty Linen

"Easily one of the most significant klezmer discs in some time." ~CMJ New
Music Report

%% Friday, Dec 25 %% (Merry Klezmer...) at the Knitting Factory Main Space,
"Jewsapalooza" Fest, 9pm, 74 Leonard St, NYC, $10; info: 212/219-3006.  
## Sunday, Jan 10 ## at Tonic (the former Kedem Kosher Winery), "Klezmer
Sundays at the Winecellar" series curated by David Krakauer, 1:30 til 4pm, 107
Norfolk St betw Delancey & Rivington St's, NYC, $10; Brunch available. Info:

Hope to see ya soon! - Eve & MetroKlezmer
151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003    (212)475-4544

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