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RE: clarinet Klezmer CD's

Little letters please, little letters (10 point is fine. 14 point looks
like you are screaming).

There are many, many fine contemporary Klezmer clarinetists who have
made (or more precisely, their bands have made) recodings with modern
sound quality. A partial list of clarinetists and their bands (in no
particular order) follows:

Ilene Stahl (Klezmer Conservatory Band)
Sherry Mayrent (Wholesale Klezmer Band)
Kurt Bjorling (Brave Old World & Chicago Klezmer Ensemble)
Fred Jacobowitz (Machaya Klezmer Band)
Martin Van de Ven (Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band)

I'm sure others will want to add to the list.

Simon at Hatikvah Records or Tara should be able to provide with you
with recordings.
>From:  Joseph M. Glickman[SMTP:glickman (at) netwiz(dot)net]
>Sent:  Wednesday, November 18, 1998 1:49 PM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       clarinet Klezmer CD's
>I am enjoying Brandein, King of the Klezmer Clarinet. Are there other
>clarinet Klezmer CD's that you would recommend? Perhaps newer with better
>sound quality? I have been unable to get Klezmer, NY but still trying.

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