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Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman (adv. re.)

On 11/13/98 Itzik Nakhmen Gottesman wrote:

>The NYC organization City Lore is inducting Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman into
>its People's Hall of Fame (co-sponsored with the Museum of the City of New
>York). She is receiving the award, "for a life-long committment to Yiddish
>culture as poet, songwriter, traditional singer and teacher."

I've had the pleasure of meeting Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman and hearing her
sing some of her songs.  She is an incredible poet and has a sweet neshome.
I am very happy to hear of this honor and recognition by City Lore - as I
am sure many other people are.

A bisl yidishkayt carries both a tape and a songbook of some of
Schaechter-Gottesman's songs called "Zumerteg" (Summer Days) (sung and
accompanied by Michael Alpert, Ben Schaechter, Lorin Sklamberg, Paula
Teitelbaum and others).

The tape is $10 - shipping is $1.75
The book is $10 - shipping is $3.00
Shipping for both together is $4.00.

They can be ordered either by mail (address below) or by calling our
toll-free #, 1-877-YIDDISH (in the Boston area, 781-643-1957) and charging
your purchase to MasterCard or Visa.  (Our website will be up in the next
week or two)

a bisl yidishkayt
P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA  02140-0004

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