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article on jewish musicians guild of Prague

Hi everyone,

this is just to inform you that in the upcoming december issue of the Dutch
historical magazine Groniek an article of mine will appear about the jewish
musicians guild in Prague. It's basically aimed at a lay audience but I
hope that people familiar with the writings of Walter Salmen and Paul Nettl
will also find something new in it... Anyway, it's a short article and yes
it's in Dutch.. However, I will translate it for a friend (I hope to have
finished that beginning of december) so if anyone is interested I can email
it then (in that case, email me off-list)



Gerben Zaagsma
Koninginnelaan 35
9717 BN  Groningen
The Netherlands

tel.:       0031-(0)50-3131304
email:    gerbn (at) wxs(dot)nl

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