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Re: Recent posts on Fiddle List

It was the great Moses Mendelson who said, "Not everyone who is
committed to a certain view is prepared to agree with every conclusion
someone else draws from it." _al akhat kama v'khama_, how much more
true is it when referring to the odd notions other people may have
of ourselves or of our experiences, and the horrifying uses to which
they may put that mis-knowledge.


>Thought some of you folks would be interested in some recent posts
>from the 
>Fiddle List. They are about Jews and music but not the type one
>usually sees-
>>From a Mr. John Burke   johnsburke (at) EMAIL(dot)MSN(dot)COM
>              you dabble
>              in music that's significant to others, but your
>              understanding is
>              superficial and inept, it is like pissing on the
>              graves of
>              holocaust victims.
>This is like saying the Jewish religion is "just fun,
>              personal
>              taste/preference." Don't tell me that, tell the people
>              of the
>              Warsaw ghetto or Bergen-Belsen. Fiddling may be all
>              fun for some,
>              but for fiddlers, it is the core of existence.
>And another message on Fiddle-l in reply to the above from a Ms Shelah 
>Weinreich-     Weinreich_S (at) PILLSBURYLAW(dot)COM
> By ONLY playing
>              a certain way or a
>              certain style, with no changes, no forward momentum,
>              you have limited
>              yourself to the eastern Polish Orthodox Jews who were
>              led like sheep to
>              their deaths.  
>The above appears in full in the digest form of Fiddle-l  Oct 29 to
>Oct 30
>Apparently even in computerland you don't have to go very far to
>                         Bob Micznik
>Get your free address at

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