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Yaydle deedle deedle (was Re: Ari/Wolf/Alana)

Benjamin_Laden (at) peoplesoft(dot)com wrote:

> Wolf posts about Johnny Rotten's Book
> Alana says - Your post is about Punk, but where's the Jewish?.
> Wolf says  (with a hint of 'Jane you ignorant slut' attitude) - Read
> the
> Book and find out. And don't tell me what to post and what not to post
> Ari says - Hey Wolf, chill
> Wolf says - Hey dude, I'm chillin', it is that darn Alana raisin' a
> huff
> Benny comes on and recaps entire scenario and proclaims:
> To solve this problem I humbly repost Wolf's original posting about
> Johhny
> Rotten, with a slight addendum

[all but addendum snipped]

> Benny's addendum >PS - If I were a Rich Man, Yaydle deedle deedle
> Yaydle
> deedle deedle deedle dum.
> OK everyone? Sheesh!

No, I'm afraid it's not okay.  When Harnick and Bock musicalized the
authentic material of Sholom Aleichem in "Fiddler on the Roof," they
effectively Americanized the work, removing any real Jewish ruach from
the story, homogenizing it until it was ready for the goyishe masses,
and therefore rendered the lyrics inappropriate for inclusion in a
conversation about Jewish music....

Nyah nyah... ;-)

(To steer this vaguely back on topic, Ben's been too modest to plug
himself, but his band's album "Get in Trouble" should get mentioned in a
conversation about loud fringe Jewish music.  So I did.)
Larry Solomon   shlomo (at) apk(dot)net
Proprietor, Merkaz Judaica

"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million
typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of
Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
 -R. Silensky

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