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Wolf posts about Johnny Rotten's Book
Alana says - Your post is about Punk, but where's the Jewish?.
Wolf says  (with a hint of 'Jane you ignorant slut' attitude) - Read the
Book and find out. And don't tell me what to post and what not to post
Ari says - Hey Wolf, chill
Wolf says - Hey dude, I'm chillin', it is that darn Alana raisin' a huff

Benny comes on and recaps entire scenario and proclaims:
To solve this problem I humbly repost Wolf's original posting about Johhny
Rotten, with a slight addendum

>To all:
>Regarding the "punk rock" thread,  I reccomend the recent Johnny Rotten
>autobiography, "No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs".

>Rotten (John Lydon) was the last great rock and roll star.  True to his
>class and the original spirit of the music.  His comments  on England,
>America and the people who control the  music business  are intelligent
>and brutally honest.  It ain't pretty, folks.

Benny's addendum >PS - If I were a Rich Man, Yaydle deedle deedle Yaydle
deedle deedle deedle dum.

OK everyone? Sheesh!


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