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Re: David Chevan's Avadim Hayinu CD

Well, I've finally seen what caused Bob Weiner to send me that e-mail
regarding my new CD and I know this is a bit of shameless self-promotion,
but boy, this is a wonderful review.  I'm sharing it with the group, but as
Ari requested, if you have any questions regarding the recording, please
forward them directly to me.

The review of the CD that was in this week's Jewish Week reads as follows:

Byrd, Warren and David Chevan: "Avadim Hayinu -- Once We Were Slaves"
(Reckless DC
Music). This is the nicest New Year's present I can imagine, a brilliant
duo reading of tunes from the Jewish and African-American sacred traditions and
easily the best record I've reviewed this year. Warm, intelligent and swinging
versions of "Shalom Aleichem," "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho," Thomas
gospel standards and, particularly, the title tune. Reminiscent of the Hank
Jones-Charlie Haden recording "Steal Away," and in no way inferior. A must.
(Reckless DC Music, P.O. Box 6183, Whitneyville, CT 06517.) Rating: 5 stars.

Pretty nice review, huh.


David Chevan
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06517

(203) 392-6630

chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu

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