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Europeans and Jews, part N

>I was in Spain earlier this year, and found a tremendous fascination with
>all things Sephardic in many circles. I was left to wonder about the human
>impulse to remove (or worse, exterminate) the "outsider" in one generation,
>and then venerate and study them in succeeding ones. 

In some respects, today's European Judeophilia seems awfully similar to
America's "buckskin hippie" flirtation with Native Americans, circa 1970.
Curious?  Take a look at an early Neil Young album cover, rent "Little 
Big Man," read Carlos Castaneda's tales of Yaqui peyote mystics.  In a 
good used book store (or library), you can still find some of the dozens 
of books that were published about Native American subjects by University
of Nebraska and elsewhere.  (Tony Hillerman hadn't made it big yet.)  

A very different era, pre-casino.


jackfalk (at) teleport(dot)com

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