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Sheyna Is A Punk Rocker

To Sara & Corey:

Despair not, for there is at least one other lover of klezmer and punk lurking 
about in the ether.

I am well aware and much admiring of a number of the artists you cite (Zorn, 
Krakauer, Co-Pilot, London, Coleman).  My latest infatuation, however, is with 
Gary Lucas's CD, "Busy Being Born"  (Tzadik).  Lucas is something:  From his 
Velvets-esque "Crawlspace," to his cleverly droning "Abie the Fishman," to his 
haunting "Mensch On the Moon," to his twisted interpretations of "Sunrise 
Sunset" and "Tradition," this feller is originality incarnate.  Near the end of 
the disc, as the group approaches the climax of its third version of Adon Olom, 
one does not know whether to remove the clip on one's tallis or the safety pin 
in one's ear.

And by the way, since you mentioned "The Schvitz," I agree the CD is wonderful, 
but so too is the film from which the soundtrack was drawn.  I highly recommend 
the documentary to all.  It airs on PBS from time to time; check your 
proverbial local listings.  The film's nostalgic but respectful meditation on 
the Brighton Beach and Coney Island steam baths is, well, highly invigorating.
- Mark Melnick
  October 18, 1998


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