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Anybody know this song???

Looking for information about a Zionist song from around the time of
Israel's Independence.  These are the words, transliterated, as recalled
from memory by my Hebrew teacher, Irving Karol (formerly of Boston and
Springfield, Mass.):

Medinah, medinah, l'ameinu hanodeid
K'gilui hash'chinah l'eineinu nig'leit
L'eineinu nig'leit.//

Bizro-ot ahava, tif't'chi sha-areich
Li-s'ridei l'havah, hachomdim afareich...(repeat first section)

Does anyone know if this song exists in print?  Are there more verses?
Anybody recall its composer/lyricist?  Anyone have any other information or
memories about it?

Replies can be sent to bslader (at) teleport(dot)com(dot)

Thanks so much!

Barbara Slader

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