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Re: Epstein Brothers win NEA National Heritage Fellowship

>This is not the first time the NEA has honored klezmer music through it's
>wonderful National Heritage Folklife Awards. The late Dave Tarras received his
>in 1984. I was honored to have been asked to write a letter to the NEA in
>support of the Epstein's nomination.

Well, in that case, rather than say that the Epstein Brothers
have been uniquely awared, let me note that they are in excellent

Next step, I hope, will be to see some of the non-klezmer, or post-
klezmer revival folks receiving awards. Flory Jagoda comes to mind
in the former category, of course. It might be a fun exercise to
consider others.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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