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Re: Shloinke is pretty bad (in a good kind of way)

>Jeff Dorchen of Shloinke wrote:
>"As the end of the millennium approaches, triumph over technique is the
>independent artist's only hope for escaping the tyrannical circumscription
>the cultural logic of late capitalism. In other words, as far as Shloinke
>concerned, we're cool because in many ways we suck, but we won't let that
>us from making a self-important racket which we will continue to dignify by
>explaining our shortcomings as satirical if not political strategies. And
>there's nothing you or the Boy Wonder can do to stop us! Ha ha ha!....."
>The was the most eloquent excuse for not practicing that I have ever

Except that I have to add that Shloinke does, indeed, sound
as though practicing is minimal. And that certainly got in
the way of my own enjoyment of the CD. 

I am not at all convinced that there is a necessary relationship
between not spending time developing one's ability to play together
as an ensemble and capitalism, better artistic endeavors, or the
future of Jewish music. Or is that The Future of Jewish Music.

But I think it's also important to let Shloinke be Shloinke.

So be it :-).


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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