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[no subject]

Hey there, I thought folks might get a kick out of this. After reading the
article on the new Klezmorim in 6/19 Forward, which featured my band along
with 3 others, I decided to run some classified ads in the Forward for my
CD. I called in the ad for week one and faxed the ads to run for weeks 2-4.

The editor refuses to run my ads because they claim the Forward is a
"family oriented" paper.
I didn't think there was anything that offensive in my ads, and I told the
person in classified that if people
would be offended by the ads, they'd also be offended by the CD, and I
pulled my ad from the paper completely.

Maybe I can drum up some sales by putting a sticker on the CD that says
"Banned by the Forward" :-)

Here are the ads I wanted to run....

Benny and The Vildachayas
Naughty Jewish music that will get you a
nasty spanking?...if you are lucky!
To get the CD, Get In Trouble, send $15 to:
Benny, P.O Box 29740, Elkins Park, Pa. 19027

Benny and The Vildachayas
Catch a buzz and check out this
band. New Jewish Music to help
alter your state.
To get the CD, Get In Trouble, send $15 to:
Benny, P.O Box 29740, Elkins Park, Pa. 19027

Benny and The Vildachayas
Sexual Enhancement Through Music
New Jewish Music that will give
you, or someone you love, a boner.
To get the CD, Get In Trouble, send $15 to:
Benny, P.O Box 29740, Elkins Park, Pa. 19027

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