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Re: looking for music journals

Dear Haddi:
I list a few journals on the bibliography portion of my Jewish Music
Go to "Starting Research in Jewish Music". At the Table of Contents, click
on either "Finding Journal Literature" or "journals".
Obviously, this is not all the ways of finding journal literature there
are.... so if anyone has some suggestions for additions to the Journals
list, please let me know. Thanks.

At 01:11 PM 6/18/98 +0000, you wrote:
>does anybody out there have a list of journals and magazines 
>dealing with Jewish and Israeli music?
>Languages: Hebrew, English, German.
>Or does anybody know where I can get such a list?
>many thanks
Judy Fertig
Reference Librarian
Brandeis University
Goldfarb Library MS045
415 South Street                                phone:(617-736-4705)
Waltham, MA 02254-9110                  email: fertig (at) brandeis(dot)edu

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