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Jewish Music Archives

Cross post from something I put up on the Jewish Libraries list. Any thoughts?


>Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 10:59 EST
>Reply-To: jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net
>Sender: owner-hasafran (at) lists(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu
>From: Joel Bresler <jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net>
>To: hasafran (at) lists(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu
>Subject: Best Archives of Jewish Music

>Dear Friends:
>I am a newbie (newcomer to this list) so forgive me if I'm going over
>territory recently discussed. I am interested in compiling a list of
>libraries or archives with the most important or most extensive holdings of
>Jewish recordings.
>Specifically, could folks please weigh in with suggestons for the most
>important collections of commercial recordings, field/non-commercial
>recordings, and historical recordings? In the US Europe and Israel? And
>which institutions have the most active current acquisition programs?
>To jump-start the discussion, the NYPL has the magnificent Stambler
>collection and so is very strong in 78s and LPs. Harvard's Widener library
>has an extensive ongoing effort to collect Israeli pop and a large measure
>of other recordings, and has depth in LPs, cassettes and CDs. The National
>Sound Archives in Israel has one of the strongest collections of both field
>and commercial recordings.
>I'll hope to hear more opinions from the list!
>Best, Joel

Joel Bresler
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