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looking to study klezmer and jewish music in college

        As I head into my senior year in high school and get hot and heavy in 
college search I was wondering if anyone on this list could help me. I give
you a little background info on my self to start. I'm heading into my fourth
year of studying with Lori Lippitz, and playing with drums in her Junior
Klezmer Band (thanks Lori). 
        The two schools that I know offer Klezmer and Jewish music as a course 
study are New England Conservatory of music where Hankus Netsky teaches, and
were I'm currently taking some music classes this summer. The other school is
their next door neighbor Northeastern University, were Josh Jacobson teaches. 
        I'm looking to hear from anybody that knows anything about studding 
and Jewish music in a college setting.  Fellow students, teachers, or just
people who know where I can study.
Thanks in advance,
        Matt Temkin
        Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com

P.S. I like the new Mandy Patinkin album. Its fun, it a different setting than
Yiddish normally gets, and it will bring people into Yiddish culture. We
should be thankful that mainstream artist is bring masses to our world. So
Mandy and Barbara both deserve a great big thank you in my humble opinion.

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