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RE: Re[2]: Copyright Etiquette & Public Domain

>Do you remember the fuss about ASCAP threatening the Girl Scouts for not
>paying royalties on the music they sing at camp?  Bad publicity nationwide
>convinced ASCAP to settle out of court.
>The Torah says, "Though shall not steal".  It doesn't give any exceptions for
>shuls.  But maybe in the Talmud you can find an exception.

I think the goal here is not to steal, but to figure out what
the legal issues, and the laws in which they are expressed, are.

The girl scouts, for one thing, are a commercial organization, no?

Let's proceed on the assumption that people are making a good faith
attempt not to cheat, but to be sure that they are following the


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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