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Re: Israeli Culture/Jewish American Culture

    Let me point that lastly there was published a great research on
"The Klezmer Tradition in the Land if Israel" by Yaakov mazor, an
anthology of music traditions in Israel. It is now in a form of disc,
but the a book with wide intruduction and musical notes will be
published soon. (2 - 3 months)
begin:          vcard
fn:             Moshe Berlin
n:              Berlin;Moshe
org:            Bar-Ilan University
adr:            P.O Box 331;;;Elkana;;44814;Israel
email;internet: berlim (at) mail(dot)biu(dot)ac(dot)il
title:          Musician Klezmer-Clarinetist
tel;work:       972 3 9362082
tel;fax:        972 3 9363189
tel;home:       972 3 9362082
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: TRUE
version:        2.1
end:            vcard

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